Make local services public
Create tunnel to local network so services can be accessed via public domains.
HOWTO solve CVEs in maven deps in kotlin
Cheatsheet for finding and solving CVEs in maven dependencies.
How I Improved My Touch Typing Code Skills in One Year with Data
How do you improve your touch typing skill if you practice 1-2 hours per week for a year.
4 times faster code execution on Apple Silicon
How to setup indelliJ IDEA to run code 4x faster on Apple chips.
HTTPS on localhost with Caddy
How to run HTTPS on loclahost with Caddy v2 server.
Upgrade Caddy to version 2
How to migrate from Caddy v1 to Caddy v2.
Convert books for Kindle
Change format of books in command line.
Develop Jenkins pipelines with Sublime Text
How to debug Jenkinsfile efficiently on local computer.
Backup old photos
Import old images with wrong dates to Mac Photos app.
kubectl fails
Any kubectl command fails and only prints runtime stack.
Logstash pipeline with S3 output starts tens of minutes
What to do when your logstash pipelines starts tens of minutes
Keys & certificates cheatsheet
List of usefull commands
Deploy code with Travis-CI via SSH
How to setup SSH deployment in Travis
Why is programming hard
If you hear sombody saying, that programming is hard. It is true.
How to host static website on S3 with https
List of things you need to do to host static webpage from S3 bucket.